Think of the planet’s atmosphere as a bath tub that is filling with water faster than the drain can empty it. It is the same for CO2 and other greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. If we don’t stop adding CO2 at a faster rate than it can be removed, the atmosphere will be overloaded, just like how the tub will overflow with too much water.
We must stop adding greenhouse gases and increase the amount of plants that naturally remove the carbon dioxide from the environment. If we give the planet a chance to catch up, then the atmosphere will find balance. All we have to do is turn off the “faucet” and stop the pollution at its source!
Every type of Energy Source has a different impact on the environment. Some of the effects of these energy sources include toxic waste and the release of green house gases.
On the other hand, renewable energy sources are clean and cause little environmental impact. They are safer, more responsible alternatives to non-renewable energy sources which we use today.
Did you Know?
Most carbon emissions, and other types of pollution in the environment come from the burning of fossil fuels like coal, gas, and oil. These fuels are used for most of our energy needs, including electricity production and powering cars and other vehicles.
We use more electricity today than ever before. Electricity is part of our everyday life.
Think about how we use it to:
- cook and to keep food from spoiling
- heat and light homes and businesses
- wash and dry our clothes
- watch TV and play video games
- keep our electronic devices like cell phones or tablets charged
The types and the amount of electricity we use directly impacts our environment! The good news is that you can make a positive difference simply by learning how to use electricity wisely. Using electricity that comes from sustainable sources such as solar and wind power and reducing the amount of electricity we are important.
More than half of the electricity generated in the United States comes from burning a carbon rich fossil fuel called coal. Burning coal releases large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollution into the environment. Pollutants like sulphur dioxide, which causes acid rain, also result from burning coal to create electricity. The excess carbon dioxide that is not absorbed by trees and plankton in the oceans stays in the atmosphere and contributes to global warming. Carbon also gets stored in the world’s oceans and these high levels of CO2 harm the earth’s balance.
You can help slow Global Warming by making wise energy choices:
- Choose to turn off lights when you leave a room.
- Turn down the heat in your home and wear a sweater or sweatshirt.
- Stop the phantom draw! Unplug appliances that are not in use, or use a power strip to turn them off.
- Take short showers instead of baths. This uses less energy to heat the water, and uses less water at the same time.
- Turn off the TV. Can you challenge yourself to watch only one hour of television a day? Play outside instead! It’s good for you and good for the planet.
The more fossil fuel energy that we use = the more carbon dioxide that is released into the environment = the warmer the planet will become. A warmer planet leads to problems like melting polar ice caps, warmer waters which cannot support sea life, stronger storms, flooding, and increased insect populations.