Green Eco Warriors visit Annie Fisher Elementary School, Hartford, CT

Green Eco Warriors visit Annie Fisher Elementary School, Hartford, CT

Annie Fisher Hartford School Rocks! These kids “were in the know as they grow”! Today we had the joy of celebrating Earth Day with students and teachers. “Green Eco Warriors- Rock! Take the pledge to be a hero for people and the planet by lowering your energy waste. Every 2nd and 3rd grader received a NGSS level book all thanks to the City of Hartford Office of...

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Isaiah – Student and GEW Actor – Update

Isaiah – Student and GEW Actor – Update

Isaiah Rosario- Green Eco Warriors past student and current Dinero Actor. Isaiah was six years old when he was introduced to Green Eco Warriors. Today he is 15 and has come back to teach kids at Hartford Public Schools about Creating a Culture of Sustainable ThinkersTM. He joined us for an interview on Earth Day. (Q1) What is like to be a Green Eco Warrior as a kid? (A)1 I felt good to be a part to something that was helping people understand the effects of climate change in our communities. (Q2) What do you most remember about your time at GEW? (A2) The most memorable part of being a GEW kid is hard to pick. I did so much at camp and in the community. My favorite memory might be the time I went to a science fair dressed as Dinero the Frog.  I got to see science done by other kids, I had never seen that type of scientific education in schools. Plus, I was able to meet new kids and expand my horizons. (Q3) What is like now that you are in High school, to be coming back and helping younger kids learn on Earth Day? (A3) It feels good to share what I know. To educate on the importance of Earth Day.  It is nice to earn money now that I am older. (Q4) What is one thing you do in your life now to protect people and the planet- that you learned as a Warrior? (A4) I recycle more now than I see my friends do. I pay attention to turning things off when I am not using them. I see connections to nature that I may not have known if I never went to GEW camp. (Q5) What are you next goals? (A5)...

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Green Eco Warriors visit Rawson Elementary School, Hartford, CT

Green Eco Warriors visit Rawson Elementary School, Hartford, CT

Dinero was met with smiles, waves, and happy kids! Over 300 students enjoyed a day of hands-on science and energy education, and all kids received NGSS books to prepare them for science-based learning. This was supported by the City of Hartford’s Office of Sustainability. Second and Third graders received Defeating the Phantom Draw, Dinero the Frog Learns to Save Energy. 30 Hartford classrooms received “Switch it off Kits”. What a wonderful week it was. The students learned songs, completed art activities, read books, and will work on writing their own comics. Thank you. Hartford students, YOU ROCK!  Community Engagement Earth Day...

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Hartford’s Earth Day

Hartford’s Earth Day

CREATING A CULTURE OF SUSTAINABLE THINKERS® WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 [11:30 am – 12:30 pm] Pesky Plastic: An Environmental Story Leticia Colon de Mejias Dynamic author, award-winning entrepreneur and activist Leticia Colon De Mejias reads from her books, written to national science standards for children ages Kindergarten through Grade 3. Find comfort and inspiration for a better future in Leticia’s stories and unique perspective. View the book reading at : Green Eco Warriors is a Connecticut based nonprofit. Since 2008, we have been creating and disseminating science based sustainability focused graphic texts, comic books, children’s books, magazines and providing live seminars and performances in schools across America. Our sustainability educational tools are aligned with national science standards. Our lessons take a holistic approach to learning, incorporating environmental, health, and social perspectives in a format that children can easily understand. Our mission is to help each child bring out their inner Warrior and to help them learn to see the world through science with an eye towards problem solving. Our goal is to encourage all youth to engage with the world through nature, science, and the arts. We work to help youth develop and apply their own special talents (super powers). We are honored to work with Hartford’s Office of Sustainability and provide this copy of, “Pesky Plastic, an Environmental story”, and the online book readings. We hope you will enjoy the books and the readings, and that they inspire you to dig into science, environmental leadership, and develop your inner warrior. This book reading and your books were sponsored by a grant through your Hartford office of sustainability and the Nonprofit Green Eco Warriors, along with support from Energy Efficiencies Solutions, a partner of EnergizeCT. Happy 50th Earthday! To learn more about Green Eco Warriors, visit To learn...

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Working with students is the best part of our work

Working with students is the best part of our work

These youth had excellent questions for this career panel which featured doctors, marine biologists, musicians, a dancer, teachers, environmentalist, insurance actuaries, and our Green Eco Warriors President @ Annie Fisher STEM school...

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Are you interested in creating a team of energy efficiency student champions at your school

Are you interested in creating a team of energy efficiency student champions at your school

Green Eco Warriors will work with your school to create a locally based school project which will provide: workforce skills training in energy efficiency jobs for students energy consumption education and how to reduce it reducing carbon emissions and how it relates to climate change a challenging teamwork project to enhance students skill sets: Initiative Dependability Professionalism Teamwork Communication Planning and organizing Problem solving Goals focus STEM skills To learn more, please call 860-993-0714.  ...

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Green Eco Warriors visit Oliver Ellsworth Elementary School, Windsor, CT

Green Eco Warriors visit Oliver Ellsworth Elementary School, Windsor, CT

Oliver Ellsworth Elementary School accepted the Save Energy Save Dinero Challenge! May 13th – Oliver Ellsworth Elementary School students welcomed the Green Eco Warriors to their school. Leticia Colon de Mejias taught students about energy, where it comes from, and sustainability. Students were engaged answering questions and learning the Green Eco Warrior theme...

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CT STEM students attend the Save Energy Save Dinero® Youth Summit!

CT STEM students attend the Save Energy Save Dinero® Youth Summit!

On Tuesday June 3rd two hundred fourth and fifth grade students from Betances STEM magnet school in Hartford, CT participated in the Save Energy Save Dinero Youth Summit. The event was hosted by the Green Eco Warriors, a nonprofit organization which provides energy conservation and sustainability education to schools, families, and communities. The summit engaged students in tactile energy education, sustainability training, and leadership skills.  Jeff Barrie the award winning documentarian of “Kilowatt Ours” and Leticia Colon de Mejias, Latina author of “Dinero the Frog Learns to Save Energy” addressed the youth participants. The event and speakers focused on creating a culture of sustainable thinkers. “Your mind is your most valuable superpower”, Leticia told youth. “You can all make a difference by following your dreams”, was a powerful message shared by Jeff Barrie. “Educate, Motivate, Protect the Planet and our future” is the Green Eco Warrior creed. Youth confirmed the mission by chanting, “Green Eco Warriors Rock! Save Energy Save Dinero!”  Students and teachers enjoyed this unique opportunity to play educational games, complete ropes course challenges, and watch student performed plays. Every student left with a T-shirt, comic book, and a smile! To learn more about Green Eco Warrior events and programs, contact us by email at or by phone...

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