Being a Green Eco Warrior Intern – The importance of taking care of the earth
Name: Jack Wright Age: 17 Location: West Hartford, CT Green Eco Warrior Intern Date April 4 2015 I had always been aware of the importance of taking care of the earth, but until my family had an energy audit in my home, I had never witnessed the field work that directly aids sustainability efforts. I recall being both intrigued and inspired by the technique and the thoroughness of the energy audit, which provoked me to ask one of the workers about how they became involved with their work. Before the workers left, I was sure to ask if there was any way that I could be involved in the same field of work. One of the workers put me in contact with Leticia Colon de Mejias, the creator and President of Green Eco Warriors. I emailed Leticia right away, hoping to become further involved with efforts to improve the environment. Soon after, I received a response. That next Saturday, I began my work with Green Eco Warriors. For the past two years, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as an intern with Green Eco Warriors. I love being able to spread environmental awareness to youths through creative mediums. For example, I have helped write and edit scripts for skits, create costumes, and make props. Perhaps my favorite medium is the comic book series, featuring Dinero the frog. The highlight of my time as an intern is definitely the Youth Summit, held at the beginning of last Summer. Hundreds...
read moreThe assembly got students excited about saving energy!
As a STEM school it is imperative that we strive to lead the way in providing our students with curriculum, field experiences, assemblies, and resources that embrace the four core components (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). For the last two years we have worked with the Green Eco Warriors on doing just that. Our 4th and 5th grade students have participated in challenges that involve saving energy in school and at home. They have received free magazines and books, most notably the “Save Energy, Save Dinero” book. Our staff and students enjoyed reading it and appreciated the fact that every student got their very own copy. The magazines have useful articles dedicated to STEM topics, activities for students to complete, and contests that challenge students. We got to participate in the interactive assembly provided by GEW dedicated to stopping the infamous “Phantom Draw.” This assembly was up close and personal and really got students excited about saving energy. Our teachers have welcomed the opportunity to be videotaped providing nothing but positive feedback after the performance. This was an opportunity to discuss how GEW has come through with connecting what students are learning in school with what’s going on in the real world. Teachers also praised them for addressing Next Generation Science Standards and touching on 5th Grade CMT Science Topics. For our end of year activity GEW has invited us to the Riverfront in Hartford, CT at no cost, for teambuilding and nature based activities. We will continue to utilize...
read moreThe Green Eco Warriors were enthusiastic and compelling!
This letter is in support for the Green Eco Warriors Save Energy, Save Dinero Challenge. Our teachers felt the presentation was exceptional. They felt that the topic of energy conservation was delivered in a clear and engaging format for our K through 5th grade students. The Green Eco Warriors were enthusiastic and compelling and kept 100% of the student’s attention. Our students were very excited to be so involved in the presentation. Many hands were raised to ask and answer questions. Some children had the chance to participate on stage. The book that accompanied the presentation became an immediate learning tool in many classrooms that same day. Berkshire Trail Elementary School is grateful to have the chance to participate in this energy conservation fundraiser. The ideas of environmental conservation fit very well with our curriculum. Saving energy is one way our students know to help preserve the natural beauty and environment of Western Mass. We hope to have the Green Eco Warriors back again next year. Respectfully Yours, Geri Pollard Berkshire Trail Elementary...
read moreIt was one of our most successful fundraisers!
I am writing on behalf of the Sanderson Academy PTO in Ashfield, MA to recommend the Save Energy Dinero WMECO Fundraiser. The group was easy to work with for the logistics of the program. The children enjoyed the presentation and the book and learned a lot about saving energy. It was one of our most successful fundraisers! They offer great and useful products at a reasonable price and we received 100% of the sales. Please consider working with this program. I recommend it as a very easy, educational and successful fundraiser. Thank you. Sincerely, Mandi Summers President Sanderson Academy PTO...
read moreThe Save Energy Save Dinero Program was Scientific and Fun!
“The MASS SAVE – Dinero The Frog presentation by Leticia Colon De Mejias and Green Eco Warriors was phenomenal!!!!!! The children were totally engaged! The materials were current, scientific and the storyline was crafted in a super fun way to get children to participate! I am entirely thankful for myself and my students to have participated in such a program.” – Nina Sartori- Elias Brookings School Science...
read moreNorthfield Elementary accept the Save Energy Save Dinero Challenge!
September 23rd- Northfield Elementary school’s sixth grade class welcomed the Green Eco Warriors to their school. Leticia Colon de Mejias taught students about energy, where it comes from, and sustainability. Students were engaged answering questions and learning the Green Eco Warrior theme song. Each child received a free copy of the book “Dinero the Frog Learns to Save Energy” and fundraising materials. Northfield Elementary will receive 100% of the proceeds earned from this free MASS SAVE program. The students of Northfield Elementary will be using their proceeds to go on a class trip white water rafting. The Save Energy Save Dinero program and fundraiser provides the opportunity to learn and earn money for your...
read moreGreen Eco Warriors kick off the 2014-2015 School Year at Farmington River School
September 4th- MASS SAVE and Western Massachusetts Electric kicked off their live performance and fundraiser at Farmington River school. Students were excited to learn from latina author Leticia Colon de Mejias with her characters Dinero the Frog and the Phantom Draw. This free program teaches students about energy sustainability and conservation. At the conclusion of the performance students receive a free copy of the book “Dinero the Frog Learns to Save Energy” and fundraising materials. The fundraiser is a light bulb sale and 100% of the proceeds go directly to the...
read moreCT STEM students attend the Save Energy Save Dinero® Youth Summit!
On Tuesday June 3rd two hundred fourth and fifth grade students from Betances STEM magnet school in Hartford, CT participated in the Save Energy Save Dinero Youth Summit. The event was hosted by the Green Eco Warriors, a nonprofit organization which provides energy conservation and sustainability education to schools, families, and communities. The summit engaged students in tactile energy education, sustainability training, and leadership skills. Jeff Barrie the award winning documentarian of “Kilowatt Ours” and Leticia Colon de Mejias, Latina author of “Dinero the Frog Learns to Save Energy” addressed the youth participants. The event and speakers focused on creating a culture of sustainable thinkers. “Your mind is your most valuable superpower”, Leticia told youth. “You can all make a difference by following your dreams”, was a powerful message shared by Jeff Barrie. “Educate, Motivate, Protect the Planet and our future” is the Green Eco Warrior creed. Youth confirmed the mission by chanting, “Green Eco Warriors Rock! Save Energy Save Dinero!” Students and teachers enjoyed this unique opportunity to play educational games, complete ropes course challenges, and watch student performed plays. Every student left with a T-shirt, comic book, and a smile! To learn more about Green Eco Warrior events and programs, contact us by email at or by phone...
read moreGreen Eco Warrior Comic Book
On June 3 2014 Green Eco Warriors Inc. released the long awaited Green Eco Warrior Comic Book – Issue 1 – The Beginning. The comic co-written by Casey Dilzer and Leticia Colon de Mejias and illustrated by Mytron Brewery focuses on five youth who learn that their destiny is to protect the planet. The youth and their friend, Cambio the monkey, must uncover the identity of Mr. Big Corp (an evil villain that feeds on greed), and defeat the Phantom Draw (a villain that steals energy). Green Eco Warrior comic teaches children to advocate, educate, communicate, and be leaders for the betterment of people and to protect the planet. Each issue introduces youth to important environmental and social concepts in a fun and engaging way. The Green Eco Warriors are a nonprofit organization which provides energy conservation and sustainability education to grades...
read moreDinero is Tatham School’s Hero!
On May 22nd The Green Eco Warriors brought the Save Energy Save Dinero Challenge to two hundred and fifty students at Tatham School in West Springfield. The Challenge sponsored by Mass Save and Western Mass Electric begins with a free live educational performance that informs students on how they can become Green Eco Warriors by making small behavioral changes at home. The children were able to learn from Leticia Colon de Mejias President of the Green Eco Warriors and author of “Dinero the Frog Learns to Save Energy”. Special guests Dinero the Frog and the Phantom Draw encouraged students to be proactive and use their energy saving knowledge to sell energy star lighting and power strips for their school’s fundraiser. 100% of the fundraiser profits will go directly to their school. To schedule this unique program at your school call 860 993 0714 or email
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